“শোন, অভ্যেস বলে কিছুহয়না এ পৃথিবীতেপাল্টে ফেলাই বেঁচে থাকা…”
Nice Guys Finish Last…
Oh nice guys finish last, when you are the outcast
Don’t pat yourself on the back, you might break your spine
– Green Day defines a way of life. The songs are about me and my life. Green Day is what wisdom looks like to me.
Review: Rajkahini (2015) – Bengali – Srijit Mukherji
Disclaimer: This is more of a rant consisting of my personal views about the movie. Not only regarding the movie, but also the various topics covered by it. Hence, this blog post shouldn’t be considered the kind of traditional ‘reviews’ that critics do, as the coverage of the writing is beyond the movie itself.
The thing with Srijit Mukherji movies is — each new one makes you think, “this is by far the most different one of the lot”. And, the man somehow manages to keep that feeling a constant with each new release of his.
Review: Nirbaak (2015) – Bengali – Srijit Mukherji
Amidst constant hindrances, I was finally able to watch Nirbaak at the Mitra Cinema Hall, here in Kolkata. Nirbaak is a one of its kind Bengali film, by Srijit Mukherji. I was overflowed with the amount of interest I had for watching this movie. Partly because, I watched all the previous movies by Srijit before and found each of them kind of different and belonging to a different class of its own within the Bengali film space. Otherwise because, Nirbaak, particularly, at least from the trailer, seemed to be the most weird and different movie by Srijit so far. So there was that overpowering intention to watch it as soon as possible — and it made me inexplicably glad in the end.
Net Neutrality – The Old Mindset that Keeps Resisting Innovation

At present, the major telecom companies in India are pressurizing the Indian Govt. to pass laws that’ll allow them to treat each type of internet traffic differently. It essentially means that it’ll no longer be you as an user who decides what you want to browse on the internet. They instead want to control what, how and when you use the internet. Many pro-net neutrality groups and experts are linking net neutrality directly to freedom of speech — and they’re not wrong in doing so.
Wisdom Mode
So, I was in my wisdom mode today and came across a few nice reads (and a few that were either too awesome to be understood by me or plain stupid) and watches.
Here are the reads, I won’t tell which one was good, which one was great, and which one was awful, use your title decoding skills to make that out for yourself:
- The Rediff Interview / Maneka Gandhi (on the actual effectiveness of milk and the ethicality of obtaining it the we it is obtained)
- How To Create The Perfect Blog Name (hint: combine those damn words)
- 16 Rules for Success in Business and Life in General
- Mission ImposSERPble 3: We Need to Think Beyond The Top 10! (Made sense)
And the videos:
Why I stopped watching porn | Ran Gavrieli
Why you will fail to have a great career | Larry Smith
How to learn anything – first 20 hours | Josh Kaufman
Update about me: I’m just back after dealing with the selection exams ahead of the board exams in March, next year. Ohh, and yeah, I’m also a year older. Too bad I didn’t manage to even write about it like I did last year.
6 Rules to Success – Arnold Schwarzenegger
I kind of trust in myself, break the rules all the time, am always willing to fail, more often than not ignore the naysayers, but don’t work like hell. That’s it, I hate to admit it, but I really struggle with working as hard as I’d like me to work. Also, though I believe I kind of have it in my nature, I need to work more on giving things back to others…
Trying the Sennheiser HD 202 II
So, I got the pair of HD 202s delivered today. First impression: sound is great, but not phenomenal. I’m getting to listen to new, fine details of music that my previous headphones were unable to render. But, I’m used to the big, thumping sound thanks to my a-Jays One+. Although it’s a pair of in-ears, it’s still the best in-ears I’ve listened to. All in all, the purchase wasn’t bad at all, since the Sennheisers still outperform the a-Jays in detail and other areas and are more comfortable to wear for long periods of time at home.